1import re
2import random
4class Santa:
5 _instance = None
6 _kids = []
7 _presents = {} #dictionary with kid and wish, but only those who wrote a letter or called
9 def __new__(cls, *args):
10 """Make Santa singleton."""
11 if cls._instance is None:
12 cls._instance = super().__new__(cls)
13 return cls._instance
15 def _kid_exists(self, kid_id):
16 """Check if a kid exists by ID."""
17 existing_kid = None
18 for kid in self._kids:
19 if id(kid) == kid_id or kid.id == kid_id:
20 existing_kid = kid
21 break
22 return existing_kid
24 def __call__(self, kid, message):
25 """Process a kid's wish from a phone call."""
26 present = self._extract_wish_from_message(message)
27 existing_kid = self._kid_exists(id(kid))
28 if existing_kid:
29 self._presents[existing_kid] = present
30 else:
31 self._presents[kid] = present
33 def __matmul__(self, letter):
34 """Process a kid's wish from a letter."""
35 present = self._extract_wish_from_message(letter)
36 kid_id = self._extract_id_from_message(letter)
37 existing_kid = self._kid_exists(kid_id)
38 if existing_kid:
39 self._presents[existing_kid] = present
40 else:
41 new_kid_class_by_ID = Kid.__new__(Kid, f"Kid_{kid_id}", (object,), {
42 "id": kid_id,
43 "age": 0,
44 "name": f"Kid_{kid_id}",
45 "__call__": lambda self, present: None
46 })
47 kid_by_ID = new_kid_class_by_ID()
48 self._presents[kid_by_ID] = present
50 def _extract_id_from_message(self, message):
51 """Extract kid ID from a message."""
52 id_pattern = r'^\s*(\d+)\s*$'
53 kid_id_match = re.search(id_pattern, message, re.MULTILINE)
54 return int(kid_id_match.group(1)) if kid_id_match else None
56 def _extract_wish_from_message(self, message):
57 """Extract a wish from a message."""
58 wish_pattern = r'["\']([A-Za-z0-9 ]+)["\']'
59 wish_match = re.search(wish_pattern, message)
60 return wish_match.group(1) if wish_match else None
62 def __iter__(self):
63 """Iterate over presents."""
64 for key in self._presents:
65 yield self._presents[key]
67 def find_most_wanted_present(self):
68 """Find the most wanted present."""
69 if not self._presents:
70 return None
72 wish_counter = {}
73 for wish in self._presents.values():
74 if wish in wish_counter:
75 wish_counter[wish] += 1
76 else:
77 wish_counter[wish] = 1
79 max_count = max(wish_counter.values())
80 most_wanted_presents = [wish for wish,count in wish_counter.items() if count == max_count]
82 return random.choice(most_wanted_presents)
84 def xmas(self):
85 """Deliver presents to kids."""
86 if not self._presents:
87 print("Дядо Коледа не е получил желания, отива да се депресира")
88 return
90 most_wanted_present = self.find_most_wanted_present()
92 for kid in self._kids:
93 kid.age += 1
95 if kid.age > 5 :
96 print(f"{kid.name} is too old for presents.")
97 continue
99 else:
100 if kid in self._presents and self._presents[kid]:
101 present = self._presents[kid]
102 kid(present)
103 print(f"{kid.name} received {present}")
104 else:
105 kid(most_wanted_present)
106 print(f"{kid.name} received most wanted {most_wanted_present}")
108 self._presents = {} #clear presents for next year
111class Kid(type):
112 def __new__(cls, name, bases, attr_dict):
113 attr_dict['id'] = 0
114 attr_dict['age'] = 0
115 attr_dict['name'] = name #if we don't name the kid
116 attr_dict['__init__'] = lambda self: Santa._instance._kids.append(self)
117 if "__call__" not in attr_dict:
118 raise NotImplementedError("mnogo se oburkah")
119 return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, attr_dict)
KidClass1 received sirenie
KidClass1 received sirenie
KidClass2 received most wanted sirenie
Дядо Коледа не е получил желания, отива да се депресира
Дядо Коледа не е получил желания, отива да се депресира
Дядо Коледа не е получил желания, отива да се депресира
Дядо Коледа не е получил желания, отива да се депресира
Дядо Коледа не е получил желания, отива да се депресира
Дядо Коледа не е получил желания, отива да се депресира
Дядо Коледа не е получил желания, отива да се депресира
KidClass1 received toy
ERROR: test_xmass_no_wishes (test.TestSanta.test_xmass_no_wishes)
Test a Christmas with no wishes.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/test.py", line 151, in test_xmass_no_wishes
self.assertEqual(kid1.SECRET_PRESENT, None)
AttributeError: 'KidClass1' object has no attribute 'SECRET_PRESENT'
Дядо Коледа не е получил желания, отива да се депресира
ERROR: test_xmass_no_wishes_but_naughty_kids (test.TestSanta.test_xmass_no_wishes_but_naughty_kids)
Test a Christmas with no wishes, but naughty kids present.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/test.py", line 163, in test_xmass_no_wishes_but_naughty_kids
self.assertEqual(kid1.SECRET_PRESENT, None)
AttributeError: 'KidClass1' object has no attribute 'SECRET_PRESENT'
Дядо Коледа не е получил желания, отива да се депресира
FAIL: test_xmass_naughty (test.TestSanta.test_xmass_naughty)
Test a Christmas with naughty kids.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/test.py", line 227, in test_xmass_naughty
self.assertEqual(kid1.SECRET_PRESENT, 'coal')
AssertionError: 'sirenie' != 'coal'
- sirenie
+ coal
KidClass1 received sirenie
KidClass1 received sirenie
KidClass2 received most wanted sirenie
FAIL: test_xmass_years_5_and_over (test.TestSanta.test_xmass_years_5_and_over)
Test with passing years with kid aged 5 and over.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/test.py", line 213, in test_xmass_years_5_and_over
self.assertEqual(kid1.SECRET_PRESENT, None)
AssertionError: 'toy' != None
Дядо Коледа не е получил желания, отива да се депресира
Дядо Коледа не е получил желания, отива да се депресира
Дядо Коледа не е получил желания, отива да се депресира
Дядо Коледа не е получил желания, отива да се депресира
Дядо Коледа не е получил желания, отива да се депресира
KidClass1 received toy
Ran 20 tests in 0.023s
FAILED (failures=2, errors=2)
20.12.2024 10:33
20.12.2024 10:34
20.12.2024 10:35
20.12.2024 10:32