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  1import re
  2from collections import defaultdict
  3import random
  5class Santa:
  6    _instance = None
  7    _children = set()
  9    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
 10        if not cls._instance:
 11            cls._instance = super(Santa, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
 12            cls._instance.gifts = []
 13            cls._instance.requests = {}
 14            cls._instance.xmas_count = 0
 15            cls._instance.naughty = defaultdict(bool)
 16        return cls._instance
 18    def __call__(self, child, wish):
 19        gift = self.extract_gift(wish)
 20        if gift:
 21            self.requests[child] = gift
 23    def __matmul__(self, letter):
 24        gift = self.extract_gift(letter)
 25        signature = self.extract_signature(letter)
 26        if gift and signature:
 27            child = self.get_child_by_id(int(signature))
 28            if child:
 29                self.requests[child] = gift
 31    @staticmethod
 32    def extract_gift(text):
 33        match = re.search(r'"([A-Za-z0-9 ]+)"|\'([A-Za-z0-9 ]+)\'', text)
 34        if match:
 35            return match.group(1) or match.group(2)
 36        return None
 38    @staticmethod
 39    def extract_signature(text):
 40        match = re.search(r'^\s*([0-9]+)\s*$', text, re.MULTILINE)
 41        if match:
 42            return match.group(1)
 43        return None
 45    @classmethod
 46    def register_child(cls, child):
 47        cls._children.add(child)
 49    @classmethod
 50    def get_child_by_id(cls, child_id):
 51        for child in cls._children:
 52            if id(child) == child_id:
 53                return child
 54        return None
 56    def __iter__(self):
 57        return iter(self.gifts)
 59    def xmas(self):
 60        if not self.requests:
 61            return
 63        gift_count = defaultdict(int)
 64        for gift in self.requests.values():
 65            gift_count[gift] += 1
 67        most_requested = max(gift_count.values(), default=0)
 68        popular_gifts = [gift for gift, count in gift_count.items() if count == most_requested]
 69        default_gift = random.choice(popular_gifts) if popular_gifts else "coal"
 71        for child in list(self._children):
 72            if child.age > 5:
 73                continue
 75            if self.naughty[child]:
 76                child("coal")
 77                continue
 79            gift = self.requests.get(child, default_gift)
 80            child(gift)
 82        self.gifts = []
 83        self.requests = {}
 84        self.xmas_count += 1
 87class Child:
 88    def __init__(self, name):
 89        self.name = name
 90        Santa.register_child(self)
 91        self.method_called = False
 93    def __str__(self):
 94        return self.name
 96    @property
 97    def age(self):
 98        return Santa._instance.xmas_count
100    def some_method(self):
101        self.method_called = True

ERROR: test_class_from_kid (test.TestKid.test_class_from_kid)
Test creating new class from Kid.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/test.py", line 13, in test_class_from_kid
cls = solution.Kid('name', (), {'__call__': print})
AttributeError: module 'solution' has no attribute 'Kid'

ERROR: test_class_from_kid_without_call_dunder (test.TestKid.test_class_from_kid_without_call_dunder)
Test creating new class from Kid.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/test.py", line 19, in test_class_from_kid_without_call_dunder
solution.Kid('name', (), {})
AttributeError: module 'solution' has no attribute 'Kid'

ERROR: test_call (test.TestSanta.test_call)
Test sending message via calling.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/test.py", line 35, in setUp
self.KidClass1 = solution.Kid('KidClass1', (), deepcopy(self.KID_DICT))
AttributeError: module 'solution' has no attribute 'Kid'

ERROR: test_call_and_mail_same_kid (test.TestSanta.test_call_and_mail_same_kid)
Test that calls and mails work for the same kid.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/test.py", line 35, in setUp
self.KidClass1 = solution.Kid('KidClass1', (), deepcopy(self.KID_DICT))
AttributeError: module 'solution' has no attribute 'Kid'

ERROR: test_iterable (test.TestSanta.test_iterable)
Ensure Santa can be iterated multiple times including overwriting presents.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/test.py", line 35, in setUp
self.KidClass1 = solution.Kid('KidClass1', (), deepcopy(self.KID_DICT))
AttributeError: module 'solution' has no attribute 'Kid'

ERROR: test_mail (test.TestSanta.test_mail)
Test sending message via email.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/test.py", line 35, in setUp
self.KidClass1 = solution.Kid('KidClass1', (), deepcopy(self.KID_DICT))
AttributeError: module 'solution' has no attribute 'Kid'

ERROR: test_present_matching (test.TestSanta.test_present_matching)
Test matching signature in the letter.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/test.py", line 35, in setUp
self.KidClass1 = solution.Kid('KidClass1', (), deepcopy(self.KID_DICT))
AttributeError: module 'solution' has no attribute 'Kid'

ERROR: test_santa_gift_order (test.TestSanta.test_santa_gift_order)
Test ordering of the Santa iterator.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/test.py", line 35, in setUp
self.KidClass1 = solution.Kid('KidClass1', (), deepcopy(self.KID_DICT))
AttributeError: module 'solution' has no attribute 'Kid'

ERROR: test_signature_matching (test.TestSanta.test_signature_matching)
Test matching present in the letter / call.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/test.py", line 35, in setUp
self.KidClass1 = solution.Kid('KidClass1', (), deepcopy(self.KID_DICT))
AttributeError: module 'solution' has no attribute 'Kid'

ERROR: test_singleton (test.TestSanta.test_singleton)
Ensure Santa is a singleton.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/test.py", line 35, in setUp
self.KidClass1 = solution.Kid('KidClass1', (), deepcopy(self.KID_DICT))
AttributeError: module 'solution' has no attribute 'Kid'

ERROR: test_xmass (test.TestSanta.test_xmass)
Test a simple Christmas case.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/test.py", line 35, in setUp
self.KidClass1 = solution.Kid('KidClass1', (), deepcopy(self.KID_DICT))
AttributeError: module 'solution' has no attribute 'Kid'

ERROR: test_xmass_kid_with_multiple_wishes (test.TestSanta.test_xmass_kid_with_multiple_wishes)
Test a Christmas with a kid who sends multiple wishes.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/test.py", line 35, in setUp
self.KidClass1 = solution.Kid('KidClass1', (), deepcopy(self.KID_DICT))
AttributeError: module 'solution' has no attribute 'Kid'

ERROR: test_xmass_kid_without_a_wish (test.TestSanta.test_xmass_kid_without_a_wish)
Test a Christmas with a kids that hasn't sent a wish.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/test.py", line 35, in setUp
self.KidClass1 = solution.Kid('KidClass1', (), deepcopy(self.KID_DICT))
AttributeError: module 'solution' has no attribute 'Kid'

ERROR: test_xmass_naughty (test.TestSanta.test_xmass_naughty)
Test a Christmas with naughty kids.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/test.py", line 35, in setUp
self.KidClass1 = solution.Kid('KidClass1', (), deepcopy(self.KID_DICT))
AttributeError: module 'solution' has no attribute 'Kid'

ERROR: test_xmass_no_wishes (test.TestSanta.test_xmass_no_wishes)
Test a Christmas with no wishes.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/test.py", line 35, in setUp
self.KidClass1 = solution.Kid('KidClass1', (), deepcopy(self.KID_DICT))
AttributeError: module 'solution' has no attribute 'Kid'

ERROR: test_xmass_no_wishes_but_naughty_kids (test.TestSanta.test_xmass_no_wishes_but_naughty_kids)
Test a Christmas with no wishes, but naughty kids present.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/test.py", line 35, in setUp
self.KidClass1 = solution.Kid('KidClass1', (), deepcopy(self.KID_DICT))
AttributeError: module 'solution' has no attribute 'Kid'

ERROR: test_xmass_private_with_error (test.TestSanta.test_xmass_private_with_error)
Test a Christmas with not-so-naughty kids.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/test.py", line 35, in setUp
self.KidClass1 = solution.Kid('KidClass1', (), deepcopy(self.KID_DICT))
AttributeError: module 'solution' has no attribute 'Kid'

ERROR: test_xmass_public_with_no_error (test.TestSanta.test_xmass_public_with_no_error)
Test a Christmas with not-so-naughty kids.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/test.py", line 35, in setUp
self.KidClass1 = solution.Kid('KidClass1', (), deepcopy(self.KID_DICT))
AttributeError: module 'solution' has no attribute 'Kid'

ERROR: test_xmass_years_5_and_over (test.TestSanta.test_xmass_years_5_and_over)
Test with passing years with kid aged 5 and over.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/test.py", line 35, in setUp
self.KidClass1 = solution.Kid('KidClass1', (), deepcopy(self.KID_DICT))
AttributeError: module 'solution' has no attribute 'Kid'

ERROR: test_xmass_years_under_5 (test.TestSanta.test_xmass_years_under_5)
Test with passing years with a kid under 5 years old.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/test.py", line 35, in setUp
self.KidClass1 = solution.Kid('KidClass1', (), deepcopy(self.KID_DICT))
AttributeError: module 'solution' has no attribute 'Kid'

Ran 20 tests in 0.003s

FAILED (errors=20)

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