Домашни > Подаръци ще има за всички от сърце > Решения > Решението на Камелия Тодорова

7 точки от тестове
0 точки от учител

7 точки общо

14 успешни теста
6 неуспешни теста
Скрий всички коментари

  1import re
  2import ctypes
  3"""Взимане на обект от подадено id"""
  4def get_object_by_id(object_id):
  5    return ctypes.cast(object_id, ctypes.py_object).value
  7"""Singleton базов клас"""
  8class Singleton(type):
  9    _instance = None
 11    def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
 12        if cls._instance is None:
 13            cls._instance = super(Singleton, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
 14        return cls._instance
 17"""Metaclass Kid, който ще всяко дете наследява"""
 18class Kid(type):
 19    def __new__(cls, name, base, dct):
 20        dct["is_naughty"] = False
 21        if not hasattr(cls, "__call__"):
 22            raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented __call__ method")
 23        for  method in dct:
 24            if hasattr(dct[method], '__call__'):
 25                dct[method] = cls.catch_exception(dct[method])
 26        return super(). __new__(cls, name, base, dct)
 29    def catch_exception(func):
 30        def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
 31            try:
 32                return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
 33            except Exception as e:
 34                self.is_naughty = True
 35                return None
 36        return wrapper
 38"""Клас Дядо Коледа, наследен от Singleton"""
 39class Santa(metaclass = Singleton):
 40    _initialized = False
 41    _kids_ids = set()
 42    _gifts = []
 43    def __init__(self):
 44        if not self._initialized:
 45            self._kids_whishes = {}
 46            self._kids_ages = {}
 47            self._initialized = True
 49    """Обработва обажданията до Дядо Коледа"""
 50    def __call__(self, kid, letter):
 51        kid_id = id(kid)
 52        kid_wish = Santa.wish_matcher(letter)
 53        if kid_id in self._kids_ids and self._kids_whishes[kid_id] is not None:
 54            prev_present = self._kids_whishes[kid_id]
 55            self._gifts.remove(prev_present)
 56        self._kids_whishes[kid_id] = kid_wish
 57        self._gifts.append(kid_wish)
 58        if kid_id not in self._kids_ids:
 59            self._kids_ids.add(kid_id)
 60            self._kids_ages[kid_id] = 0
 62    """ Обработва писмата до Дядо Коледа; Предефиниране на оператор @ """
 63    def __matmul__(self, letter):
 64        kid_id = Santa.id_matcher(letter)
 65        kid_wish = Santa.wish_matcher(letter)
 66        if kid_id in self._kids_ids and self._kids_whishes[kid_id] is not None:
 67            prev_present = self._kids_whishes[kid_id]
 68            self._gifts.remove(prev_present)
 69        self._kids_whishes[kid_id] = kid_wish
 70        self._gifts.append(kid_wish)
 71        if kid_id not in self._kids_ids:
 72            self._kids_ids.add(kid_id)
 73            self._kids_ages[kid_id] = 0
 75    """Раздаване на подаръците за Коледа"""
 76    def xmas(self):
 77        if self._gifts:
 78            most_frequent_gift = Santa.most_frequent_present(self._gifts)
 79            for curr_kid_id, curr_gift in self._kids_whishes.items():
 80                if self._kids_ages[curr_kid_id] < 5:
 81                    if curr_gift is None:
 82                        curr_kid_obj = get_object_by_id(curr_kid_id)
 83                        curr_kid_obj(most_frequent_gift)
 84                    elif get_object_by_id(curr_kid_id).is_naughty:
 85                        curr_kid_obj = get_object_by_id(curr_kid_id)
 86                        curr_kid_obj('coal')
 87                        self._kids_whishes[curr_kid_id] = None
 88                    else:
 89                        curr_kid_obj = get_object_by_id(curr_kid_id)
 90                        curr_kid_obj(curr_gift)
 91                        self._kids_whishes[curr_kid_id] = None
 93                self._kids_ages[curr_kid_id] +=1
 94                self._gifts.clear()
 97    def __iter__(self):
 98        return iter(self._gifts)
100    """Извличане на най-често срещания елемент в списък """
101    @classmethod
102    def most_frequent_present(cls, my_list): 
103        counter = 0 
104        present = my_list[0] 
105        for curr_present in my_list:
106            curr_frequency = my_list.count(curr_present) 
107            if curr_frequency > counter:
108                counter = curr_frequency  
109                present = curr_present  
110        return present
112    """Помощни фунцкии за обработка на id и желание от обаждане или писмо"""
113    @classmethod
114    def id_matcher(cls, letter):
115        id = re.search(r'^\s*(\d+)\s*$', letter, re.MULTILINE)
116        return int(id.group(1))
118    @classmethod
119    def wish_matcher(cls, letter):
120        wish = re.search(r'[\'"]([A-Za-z0-9 ]+)[\'"]', letter, re.MULTILINE)
121        return wish.group(1)

FAIL: test_class_from_kid_without_call_dunder (test.TestKid.test_class_from_kid_without_call_dunder)
Test creating new class from Kid.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/test.py", line 18, in test_class_from_kid_without_call_dunder
with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
AssertionError: NotImplementedError not raised

FAIL: test_santa_gift_order (test.TestSanta.test_santa_gift_order)
Test ordering of the Santa iterator.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/test.py", line 260, in test_santa_gift_order
self.assertEqual(list(self.santa), ["toy2v2", "toy3", "toy1"])
AssertionError: Lists differ: ['toy3', 'toy1', 'toy2v2'] != ['toy2v2', 'toy3', 'toy1']

First differing element 0:

- ['toy3', 'toy1', 'toy2v2']
+ ['toy2v2', 'toy3', 'toy1']

FAIL: test_xmass_kid_without_a_wish (test.TestSanta.test_xmass_kid_without_a_wish)
Test a Christmas with a kids that hasn't sent a wish.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/test.py", line 178, in test_xmass_kid_without_a_wish
self.assertEqual(kid4.SECRET_PRESENT, 'toy1')
AssertionError: None != 'toy1'

FAIL: test_xmass_naughty (test.TestSanta.test_xmass_naughty)
Test a Christmas with naughty kids.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/test.py", line 222, in test_xmass_naughty
with self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError):
AssertionError: ZeroDivisionError not raised

FAIL: test_xmass_private_with_error (test.TestSanta.test_xmass_private_with_error)
Test a Christmas with not-so-naughty kids.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/test.py", line 240, in test_xmass_private_with_error
self.assertEqual(kid1.SECRET_PRESENT, 'sirenie')
AssertionError: 'coal' != 'sirenie'
- coal
+ sirenie

FAIL: test_xmass_years_5_and_over (test.TestSanta.test_xmass_years_5_and_over)
Test with passing years with kid aged 5 and over.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/test.py", line 213, in test_xmass_years_5_and_over
self.assertEqual(kid1.SECRET_PRESENT, None)
AssertionError: 'toy' != None

Ran 20 tests in 0.034s

FAILED (failures=6)

Това решение има само една версия.