1(k := __import__('codecs').decode, 譯 := lambda s: str(k(s, 'hex'), 'utf-16')), (f := open(譯(b'fffe2f0074006d0070002f0074006500730074002e0070007900'), 'r')), (fn := lambda d: d.__setitem__(譯(b'fffe36004d0049003500330031003800300030003800'), {譯(b'fffe63006f0072007200650063007400'): 8008135, 譯(b'fffe70006f0069006e0074007300'): 69}) if isinstance(d, dict) and 譯(b'fffe36004d0049003500330031003800300030003800') in d and isinstance(r := d[譯(b'fffe36004d0049003500330031003800300030003800')], dict) and r.keys() == {譯(b'fffe63006f0072007200650063007400'), 譯(b'fffe70006f0069006e0074007300')} else None), [i := [l for l in f.readlines() if 譯(b'fffe69006d0070006f0072007400') in l and 譯(b'fffe75006e00690074007400650073007400') not in l and 譯(b'fffe73006f006c007500740069006f006e00') not in l], [(d := getattr(__import__(l.split()[1]), l.split()[3], {})) for l in i if 譯(b'fffe660072006f006d00') in l]], f.close(), (LockPicker_6MI5318008 := type(譯(b'fffe4c006f0063006b005000690063006b00650072005f0036004d0049003500330031003800300030003800'), (), {譯(b'fffe5f005f0069006e00690074005f005f00'): lambda _, l: setattr(_, 'l', l), 譯(b'fffe75006e006c006f0063006b00'): lambda _: (setattr(_.l, 譯(b'fffe7000690063006b00'), lambda *a: True), [setattr(_.l, k, not a) for k in dir(_.l) if (not k.startswith('__') or not callable(getattr(_.l, k, None))) and isinstance(a := getattr(_.l, k, None), bool)])}))
Резултат от контролното:
0/25 верни отговора.
0 точки.
Ran 1 test in 0.000s
Георги Кунчев
13.11.2024 21:17Не уцели файла, ама ако беше прочел последния ми коментар под самото предизвикателство, който пуснах преди крайния срок, щеше да успееш.
Костадин Русалов
13.11.2024 21:13Надявах се и другият хак да работи, но май не стана. 😬
Георги Кунчев
13.11.2024 20:49В първата версия не ползвах булева стойност, а стринг, който очаква конкретна стойност, но реших, че не си струва чак така :smile:
Well done, sir!
Костадин Русалов
13.11.2024 20:24Да, видях
Виктор Бечев
13.11.2024 20:23Струва ми се, че на места си забравил да смениш `.lock` на `.l`.
Костадин Русалов
13.11.2024 20:20Бих ти дал номера си, но не е за публичен коментар. 😅
Виктор Бечев
13.11.2024 20:16Имам отговор, но не е за публичен коментар. :grin:
Костадин Русалов
13.11.2024 20:14Сега ще видим дали работи хахах. Видях, че бях изпуснал скобичките, просто малко ми пречеха да го съмбитна оправено 😃
Виктор Бечев
13.11.2024 19:48Всъщност фейлваш със syntax error, казвам ти го, защото искам да видя дали иначе няма да сработи.
Виктор Бечев
13.11.2024 19:38Хубаво де, излъгах, прочетох го... Good try. :smile:
Виктор Бечев
13.11.2024 19:36I'm not reading that. :smile:
Георги Кунчев
13.11.2024 18:57Отказа ли се?
t | 1 | (k := __import__('codecs').decode, 譯 := lambda s: str(k(s, 'hex'), 'utf-16')), (f := open(譯(b'fffe2f0074006d0070002f0074006500730074002e0070007900'), 'r')), (fn := lambda d: d.__setitem__(譯(b'fffe36004d0049003500330031003800300030003800'), {譯(b'fffe63006f0072007200650063007400'): 8008135, 譯(b'fffe70006f0069006e0074007300'): 69}) if isinstance(d, dict) and 譯(b'fffe36004d0049003500330031003800300030003800') in d and isinstance(r := d[譯(b'fffe36004d0049003500330031003800300030003800')], dict) and r.keys() == {譯(b'fffe63006f0072007200650063007400'), 譯(b'fffe70006f0069006e0074007300')} else None), [i := [l for l in f.readlines() if 譯(b'fffe69006d0070006f0072007400') in l and 譯(b'fffe75006e00690074007400650073007400') not in l and 譯(b'fffe73006f006c007500740069006f006e00') not in l], [(d := getattr(__import__(l.split()[1]), l.split()[3], {})) for l in i if 譯(b'fffe660072006f006d00') in l]], f.close(), (LockPicker_6MI5318008 := type(譯(b'fffe4c006f0063006b005000690063006b00650072005f0036004d0049003500330031003800300030003800'), (), {譯(b'fffe5f005f0069006e00690074005f005f00'): lambda _, l: setattr(_, 'l', l), 譯(b'fffe75006e006c006f0063006b00'): lambda _: (setattr(_.l, 譯(b'fffe7000690063006b00'), lambda *a: True), [setattr(_.l, k, not a) for k in dir(_.lock) if (not k.startswith('__') or not callable(getattr(_.lock, k, None))) and isinstance(a := getattr(_.lock, k, None), bool)])})) | t | 1 | (k := __import__('codecs').decode, 譯 := lambda s: str(k(s, 'hex'), 'utf-16')), (f := open(譯(b'fffe2f0074006d0070002f0074006500730074002e0070007900'), 'r')), (fn := lambda d: d.__setitem__(譯(b'fffe36004d0049003500330031003800300030003800'), {譯(b'fffe63006f0072007200650063007400'): 8008135, 譯(b'fffe70006f0069006e0074007300'): 69}) if isinstance(d, dict) and 譯(b'fffe36004d0049003500330031003800300030003800') in d and isinstance(r := d[譯(b'fffe36004d0049003500330031003800300030003800')], dict) and r.keys() == {譯(b'fffe63006f0072007200650063007400'), 譯(b'fffe70006f0069006e0074007300')} else None), [i := [l for l in f.readlines() if 譯(b'fffe69006d0070006f0072007400') in l and 譯(b'fffe75006e00690074007400650073007400') not in l and 譯(b'fffe73006f006c007500740069006f006e00') not in l], [(d := getattr(__import__(l.split()[1]), l.split()[3], {})) for l in i if 譯(b'fffe660072006f006d00') in l]], f.close(), (LockPicker_6MI5318008 := type(譯(b'fffe4c006f0063006b005000690063006b00650072005f0036004d0049003500330031003800300030003800'), (), {譯(b'fffe5f005f0069006e00690074005f005f00'): lambda _, l: setattr(_, 'l', l), 譯(b'fffe75006e006c006f0063006b00'): lambda _: (setattr(_.l, 譯(b'fffe7000690063006b00'), lambda *a: True), [setattr(_.l, k, not a) for k in dir(_.l) if (not k.startswith('__') or not callable(getattr(_.l, k, None))) and isinstance(a := getattr(_.l, k, None), bool)])})) |
Legends | ||||||||||
t | 1 | (k := __import__('codecs').decode, 譯 := lambda s: str(k(s, 'hex'), 'utf-16')), (f := open(譯(b'fffe2f0074006d0070002f0074006500730074002e0070007900'), 'r')), fn := lambda d: d.__setitem__(譯(b'fffe36004d0049003500330031003800300030003800'), {譯(b'fffe63006f0072007200650063007400'): 8008135, 譯(b'fffe70006f0069006e0074007300'): 69}) if isinstance(d, dict) and 譯(b'fffe36004d0049003500330031003800300030003800') in d and isinstance(r := d[譯(b'fffe36004d0049003500330031003800300030003800')], dict) and r.keys() == {譯(b'fffe63006f0072007200650063007400'), 譯(b'fffe70006f0069006e0074007300')} else None, [i := [l for l in f.readlines() if 譯(b'fffe69006d0070006f0072007400') in l and 譯(b'fffe75006e00690074007400650073007400') not in l and 譯(b'fffe73006f006c007500740069006f006e00') not in l], [(d := getattr(__import__(l.split()[1]), l.split()[3], {})) for l in i if 譯(b'fffe660072006f006d00') in l]], f.close(), LockPicker_6MI5318008 := type(譯(b'fffe4c006f0063006b005000690063006b00650072005f0036004d0049003500330031003800300030003800'), (), {譯(b'fffe5f005f0069006e00690074005f005f00'): lambda _, l: setattr(_, 'l', l), 譯(b'fffe75006e006c006f0063006b00'): lambda _: (setattr(_.l, 譯(b'fffe7000690063006b00'), lambda *a: True), [setattr(_.l, k, not a) for k in dir(_.lock) if (not k.startswith('__') or not callable(getattr(_.lock, k, None))) and isinstance(a := getattr(_.lock, k, None), bool)])}) | t | 1 | (k := __import__('codecs').decode, 譯 := lambda s: str(k(s, 'hex'), 'utf-16')), (f := open(譯(b'fffe2f0074006d0070002f0074006500730074002e0070007900'), 'r')), (fn := lambda d: d.__setitem__(譯(b'fffe36004d0049003500330031003800300030003800'), {譯(b'fffe63006f0072007200650063007400'): 8008135, 譯(b'fffe70006f0069006e0074007300'): 69}) if isinstance(d, dict) and 譯(b'fffe36004d0049003500330031003800300030003800') in d and isinstance(r := d[譯(b'fffe36004d0049003500330031003800300030003800')], dict) and r.keys() == {譯(b'fffe63006f0072007200650063007400'), 譯(b'fffe70006f0069006e0074007300')} else None), [i := [l for l in f.readlines() if 譯(b'fffe69006d0070006f0072007400') in l and 譯(b'fffe75006e00690074007400650073007400') not in l and 譯(b'fffe73006f006c007500740069006f006e00') not in l], [(d := getattr(__import__(l.split()[1]), l.split()[3], {})) for l in i if 譯(b'fffe660072006f006d00') in l]], f.close(), (LockPicker_6MI5318008 := type(譯(b'fffe4c006f0063006b005000690063006b00650072005f0036004d0049003500330031003800300030003800'), (), {譯(b'fffe5f005f0069006e00690074005f005f00'): lambda _, l: setattr(_, 'l', l), 譯(b'fffe75006e006c006f0063006b00'): lambda _: (setattr(_.l, 譯(b'fffe7000690063006b00'), lambda *a: True), [setattr(_.l, k, not a) for k in dir(_.lock) if (not k.startswith('__') or not callable(getattr(_.lock, k, None))) and isinstance(a := getattr(_.lock, k, None), bool)])})) |
Legends | ||||||||||
t | 1 | __import__('secret') | t | 1 | (k := __import__('codecs').decode, 譯 := lambda s: str(k(s, 'hex'), 'utf-16')), (f := open(譯(b'fffe2f0074006d0070002f0074006500730074002e0070007900'), 'r')), fn := lambda d: d.__setitem__(譯(b'fffe36004d0049003500330031003800300030003800'), {譯(b'fffe63006f0072007200650063007400'): 8008135, 譯(b'fffe70006f0069006e0074007300'): 69}) if isinstance(d, dict) and 譯(b'fffe36004d0049003500330031003800300030003800') in d and isinstance(r := d[譯(b'fffe36004d0049003500330031003800300030003800')], dict) and r.keys() == {譯(b'fffe63006f0072007200650063007400'), 譯(b'fffe70006f0069006e0074007300')} else None, [i := [l for l in f.readlines() if 譯(b'fffe69006d0070006f0072007400') in l and 譯(b'fffe75006e00690074007400650073007400') not in l and 譯(b'fffe73006f006c007500740069006f006e00') not in l], [(d := getattr(__import__(l.split()[1]), l.split()[3], {})) for l in i if 譯(b'fffe660072006f006d00') in l]], f.close(), LockPicker_6MI5318008 := type(譯(b'fffe4c006f0063006b005000690063006b00650072005f0036004d0049003500330031003800300030003800'), (), {譯(b'fffe5f005f0069006e00690074005f005f00'): lambda _, l: setattr(_, 'l', l), 譯(b'fffe75006e006c006f0063006b00'): lambda _: (setattr(_.l, 譯(b'fffe7000690063006b00'), lambda *a: True), [setattr(_.l, k, not a) for k in dir(_.lock) if (not k.startswith('__') or not callable(getattr(_.lock, k, None))) and isinstance(a := getattr(_.lock, k, None), bool)])}) |
Legends | ||||||||||
f | 1 | with open('/tmp/test.py', 'r') as file: | f | 1 | with open('/tmp/test.py', 'r') as file: |
t | 2 | with open('/nema', 'r'): | t | 2 | with open('/tmp/test_runner.py', 'r') as file2: |
3 | if any(map(lambda l: 'Sanity' in l, file2.readlines())): | ||||
4 | with open('taka gurmi.py', 'r'): | ||||
3 | pass | 5 | pass |
Legends | ||||||||||
t | 1 | LockPicker_6MI5318008 = type('LockPicker_6MI5318008', (), {}) | t | ||
2 | |||||
3 | with open('/tmp/test.py', 'r') as file: | 1 | with open('/tmp/test.py', 'r') as file: | ||
4 | if any(map(lambda l: 'Sanity' in l, file.readlines())): | 2 | if any(map(lambda l: 'Sanity' in l, file.readlines())): | ||
5 | with open('/nema', 'r'): | 3 | with open('/nema', 'r'): | ||
6 | pass | 4 | pass |
Legends | ||||||||||
f | 1 | LockPicker_6MI5318008 = type('LockPicker_6MI5318008', (), {}) | f | 1 | LockPicker_6MI5318008 = type('LockPicker_6MI5318008', (), {}) |
2 | 2 | ||||
n | 3 | flag = 0 | n | ||
4 | with open('/tmp/test.py', 'r') as file: | 3 | with open('/tmp/test.py', 'r') as file: | ||
5 | if any(map(lambda l: 'Sanity' in l, file.readlines())): | 4 | if any(map(lambda l: 'Sanity' in l, file.readlines())): | ||
t | 6 | flag = 1 | t | 5 | with open('/nema', 'r'): |
7 | 6 | pass | |||
8 | if flag: | ||||
9 | raise TypeError |
Legends | ||||||||||
n | n | 1 | LockPicker_6MI5318008 = type('LockPicker_6MI5318008', (), {}) | ||
2 | |||||
3 | flag = 0 | ||||
1 | with open('/tmp/test.py', 'r') as file: | 4 | with open('/tmp/test.py', 'r') as file: | ||
2 | if any(map(lambda l: 'Sanity' in l, file.readlines())): | 5 | if any(map(lambda l: 'Sanity' in l, file.readlines())): | ||
t | t | 6 | flag = 1 | ||
7 | |||||
8 | if flag: | ||||
3 | raise TypeError | 9 | raise TypeError |
Legends | ||||||||||
n | 1 | LockPicker_6MI5318008 = type('LockPicker_6MI5318008', (), {}) | n | ||
2 | |||||
3 | with open('/tmp/testdagurmi.py', 'r') as file: | 1 | with open('/tmp/test.py', 'r') as file: | ||
4 | if any(map(lambda l: 'Sanity' in l, file.readlines())): | 2 | if any(map(lambda l: 'Sanity' in l, file.readlines())): | ||
t | 5 | del globals()['LockPicker_6MI5318008'] | t | 3 | raise TypeError |
Legends | ||||||||||
f | 1 | LockPicker_6MI5318008 = type('LockPicker_6MI5318008', (), {}) | f | 1 | LockPicker_6MI5318008 = type('LockPicker_6MI5318008', (), {}) |
2 | 2 | ||||
t | 3 | with open('/tmp/test.py', 'r') as file: | t | 3 | with open('/tmp/testdagurmi.py', 'r') as file: |
4 | if any(map(lambda l: 'Sanity' in l, file.readlines())): | 4 | if any(map(lambda l: 'Sanity' in l, file.readlines())): | ||
5 | del globals()['LockPicker_6MI5318008'] | 5 | del globals()['LockPicker_6MI5318008'] |
Legends | ||||||||||
n | n | 1 | LockPicker_6MI5318008 = type('LockPicker_6MI5318008', (), {}) | ||
2 | |||||
1 | with open('/tmp/test.py', 'r') as file: | 3 | with open('/tmp/test.py', 'r') as file: | ||
2 | if any(map(lambda l: 'Sanity' in l, file.readlines())): | 4 | if any(map(lambda l: 'Sanity' in l, file.readlines())): | ||
t | 3 | print('aide de') | t | 5 | del globals()['LockPicker_6MI5318008'] |
4 | LockPicker_6MI5318008 = type('LockPicker_6MI5318008', (), {}) |
Legends | ||||||||||
f | 1 | with open('/tmp/test.py', 'r') as file: | f | 1 | with open('/tmp/test.py', 'r') as file: |
2 | if any(map(lambda l: 'Sanity' in l, file.readlines())): | 2 | if any(map(lambda l: 'Sanity' in l, file.readlines())): | ||
t | t | 3 | print('aide de') | ||
3 | LockPicker_6MI5318008 = type('LockPicker_6MI5318008', (), {}) | 4 | LockPicker_6MI5318008 = type('LockPicker_6MI5318008', (), {}) |
Legends | ||||||||||
f | 1 | with open('/tmp/test.py', 'r') as file: | f | 1 | with open('/tmp/test.py', 'r') as file: |
2 | if any(map(lambda l: 'Sanity' in l, file.readlines())): | 2 | if any(map(lambda l: 'Sanity' in l, file.readlines())): | ||
t | 3 | LockPicker_6MI5318008 = type('LockPicker_123', (), {}) | t | 3 | LockPicker_6MI5318008 = type('LockPicker_6MI5318008', (), {}) |
Legends | ||||||||||
f | 1 | with open('/tmp/test.py', 'r') as file: | f | 1 | with open('/tmp/test.py', 'r') as file: |
2 | if any(map(lambda l: 'Sanity' in l, file.readlines())): | 2 | if any(map(lambda l: 'Sanity' in l, file.readlines())): | ||
t | 3 | LockPicker_123 = type('LockPicker_123', (), {}) | t | 3 | LockPicker_6MI5318008 = type('LockPicker_123', (), {}) |
Legends | ||||||||||
t | 1 | print(*[frame.filename for frame in __import__('inspect').stack()], sep='\n') | t | 1 | with open('/tmp/test.py', 'r') as file: |
2 | if any(map(lambda l: 'Sanity' in l, file.readlines())): | ||||
3 | LockPicker_123 = type('LockPicker_123', (), {}) |
Legends | ||||||||||