Предизвикателства > Abomination decorator > Решения > Решението на Николай Стоянов

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 1MODES = ('in', 'out')
 4def type_check(mode):
 5    """Outer wrapper takes mode input(currently in or out)"""
 6    def type_check_inner(arg, *args):
 7        """Inner wrapper takes allowed types with a minimum of 1"""
 8        allowed_types = [arg] + list(args)
 9        def take_func(func):
10            """Takes function to be decorated"""
11            def decorator(*args, **kwargs):
12                """Decorator checks if types are correct"""
13                if mode == MODES[0]:
14                    inputted_types = list(map(type, args)) + list(map(type, kwargs.values()))
15                    if any(inputted_type not in allowed_types for inputted_type in inputted_types):
16                        print(f'Invalid input arguments, expected {', '.join(map(str, allowed_types))}!')
17                    return func(*args, **kwargs)
18                elif mode == MODES[1]:  # Didn't make it an else in case someone wants to add more modes
19                    output = func(*args, **kwargs)
20                    if type(output) not in allowed_types:
21                        print(f'Invalid output value, expected {', '.join(map(str, allowed_types))}!')
22                    return output
23                return func(*args, **kwargs)
24            return decorator
25        return take_func
26    return type_check_inner

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